Trainee Engineer Jobs in NHDC, Madhya Pradesh

Narmada Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHDC) Limited NHDC Parisar, Shyamla Hills,Bhopal - 462013 (MP)

Special recruitment frive to fill up Backlog vacancies of SC/ST

NHDC Limited invites applications for following posts :
  1. Trainee Engineer (Electrical) : 02 posts (SC-1,ST-1)
  2. Trainee Engineer (Mechanical) : 02 posts (SC-1,ST-1)
  3. Trainee Engineer (Civil/ T & HRD) : 01 post (ST-1)
  4. Trainee Engineer (Finance) : 02 posts (SC-1,ST-1)
  5. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 02 posts (SC-1,ST-1)
  6. Driver Gr.III : 02 posts (SC-1, ST-1)
  7. Stengrapher (English/Hindi) : 02 psots (ST-2)
  8. Trainee Assistant : 12 posts (SC-4, ST-8)
  9. Trainee Helper : 15 posts (SC-15)

How to Apply : Completed applications in precribed format in duplicate along with the attested copies of certificates with two recent passport size photographs duly signed and affixed at right upper corner of application should be sent in an envelope Superscribing Name of the post applied for and Advt No. NHDC/HR/RECT-I/2009 to Senior Manager (HR)-Rectt., Narmada Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHDC) Limited, NHDC Parisar, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal - 462013 (MP) latest by 6th March 2009.

Please visit for all the details and application format.