Walk-in at IDSP under NICD March09

Integrated Disease Surveilance Project (IDSP)
National Institute of Communicable Diseases
Directorate General of Health Services
National Project Officer (IDSP)
National Institute of communicable Diseases, 22, Shamnath Marg, Delhi - 110054


IDSP is looking for eligible candidates for the following posts :

  1. Microbiologist : 01 post, Remueration : 26000/- pm for Medical Graduate and Rs.20000/- for non-Medical Graduate
  2. Consultant (Procurement) : 01 post, Remueration : 26000/- pm
  3. Data Manager : 01 post, Remuneration : Rs.16000/- PM

Eligible candidates fulfilling the above mentioned criteria may appear for Walk-in-Interview on 2nd March, 2009 for posts of Consultant and Data Manager and on 3rd March, 2009 for the post of Microbiologist at 9.30 AM at IDSP Unit, NICD alongwith a resume, original certificates and a copy of certificates.

Please view http://nicd.nic.in/adv_idsp.pdf for further details.