Clerks Posts in ESIC, Indore

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Regional Office, Panchdeept Bhawan, Nanda Nagar, Indore (MP) - 452011

Recruitment of Lower Division Clerks (LDC)

Applications in the prescribed format to fill up the following posts Lower Divisions Clerk (LDC) in ESIC MP :
  • Lower Division Clerk (LDC) : 14 posts (UR-7, SC-3, ST-3, OBC-2), Pay Band : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.1900/-, Age : 18-27 years, Qualifications: Higher Secondary Pass (12th) (ii) Knowledge of typewriting with a speed of 30/25 words per minute in English/Hindi respectively. (iii) Working knowledge of computer including use of Office Suites and data bases.

Fee: A DD for Rs. 100/- (SC/ST/PH/Ex.SM are exempted) in drawn on SBI favour of concerned Regional Director, ESIC Corporation, Panchdeep Bhawan, Nanda Nagar, Indore, payable at Indore.

How to apply: - Application in the prescribed Form may be submitted in an envelope super scribing “Application for the post of LDC” at the following address :

The Regional Director, Regional Office, ESI Corporation, Panchadeep Bhawan, Nanda Nagar, Indore (MP) - 452011

Last date of receipt of application form : 27/02/2009

Please visit for details and application format.